Élettelen természettudományok
Presentation by Barbara Daskal
Security and Privacy in IoT: the role of secure
Chiara Giovannini
Barbara Daskal
Gil Bernabeu 14 éve - 15:01
Data protection and beyond
Privacy and data protection in the IoT age:
Mathematical models to help understand
Constructive cortical computation
The science of invisibility
Is the age of computation yet to begin?
How evolution shapes the way roboticists think
Official launch of FET-flagship pilots
Hans Lehrach
Jari Kinaret
Steven Bishop
Henry Markram
Paolo Dario
Adrian Ionescu 14 éve - 50:22
Amazon EC2 infrastruktúrán futó dinamikusan
Kozlovszky Miklós
Marosi Attila Csaba
Balaton Zoltán 14 éve - 16:26