Élettelen természettudományok
National Production Grid Initiative: The Hungarian
Stefán Péter
15 éve - 7:57
Hídvégi Péter
15 éve - 19:45
Collaborative environments in teaching and
Nick Jones
15 éve - 26:44
If Piracy is the Problem, is DRM the Answer?
Haraszti Attila
15 éve - 21:05
Establishing new techniques to prevent buffer
Dimitris Pritsos
Yannis Corovesis
Prof. Ioannis Chalaris
Petros Belsis 15 éve - 20:40
Yannis Corovesis
Prof. Ioannis Chalaris
Petros Belsis 15 éve - 20:40
Leading the Way on Standards-Based-e-Learning:
Mikulas Huba
15 éve - 20:54
Information technology and development of meta
Prof. Seppo Sirkemaa
15 éve - 17:44
Experience in developing multimedia application
Diana Andone
15 éve - 22:27
Ergonomical and psychological points of view of
Prof. Izsó Lajos
15 éve - 26:08
Towards the E-Politics, Collaborative Tools and
dr. Kovács László
15 éve - 23:08
IT does not matter
MAS. Helene Enz
15 éve - 21:20
Digital Rights Management
Tóth István
15 éve - 14:21