Telecommunications technology
Telecommunications technology (151)
Technological sciences > Technology > Telecommunications technology
Innovatív oktatás: a Verseny2004 tapasztalatai
Attila Takács 15 years ago - 18:47

A net és a középiskola

Hatékony csoportmunka megoldás Microsoft


Hybrid Online Clusters: Knowledge Producing and

Aspects of Mobile Telecommunication Services at

Leading the Way on Standards-Based-e-Learning:

Effects of the Bologna process on the educational
Dipl.-Ing. Johann Haag 15 years ago - 14:01

The Development of the "Politehnica" University of

Temporary E-learning

Personalized Learning Environments for efficiency

On-Line laboratory environments for e-Learning
Prof. Dr. Phil. Habil. Andreas Pester 15 years ago - 20:52