Telecommunications technology
Telecommunications technology (151)
Technological sciences > Technology > Telecommunications technologyCrossing Borders
Krisztina Csekő
15 years ago - 22:16
Information technology and development of meta
Prof. Seppo Sirkemaa
15 years ago - 17:44
Experience in developing multimedia application
Diana Andone
15 years ago - 22:27
First Hand Look At The State of E-learning in the
Ádám Berta
15 years ago - 14:09
Making the change - creating a successful virtual
Andy Hollyhead
15 years ago - 20:59
Ergonomical and psychological points of view of
Prof. Lajos Izsó
15 years ago - 26:08
Development possibilities of the mutual
Ferenc Hargitai
Noémi Horváth 15 years ago - 16:48
Noémi Horváth 15 years ago - 16:48
SCORM, LOM and the others
dr. Ottó Hutter
15 years ago - 27:50
Prof. Helmut Schauer
15 years ago - 34:52
A Miskolci Egyetem Hallgatói Tudástára a
Norbert Veréb
Gáborné Vitéz
Orsolya Lili Sztermen 15 years ago - 18:54
Gáborné Vitéz
Orsolya Lili Sztermen 15 years ago - 18:54
CooSpace: az együttműködés színterei
Márk Taletovics
15 years ago - 14:14
A Common Cartridge tananyagok jövője
Csaba Vágvölgyi
Gyula Papp 15 years ago - 27:52
Gyula Papp 15 years ago - 27:52