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Physical sciences

A VoIP hívások lényeges tulajdonságai

Attila Balogh 13 years ago - 41:50

25 éves a NIIFI

Dr. Péter Bakonyi
Dr. Prof. László Zombory
Dr. Norbert Kroó
Dr. László Csaba
István Béres
Iván Vetési
Gábor Bódi
Miklós Nagy
13 years ago - 1:17:04

Az internet kezdetei az MTA-SZTAKI-ban

Dr. Tibor Vámos
Dr. Péter Bakonyi
Balázs Martos
Miklós Nagy
Dr. László Csaba
Miklós Pásztor
Albert Lábadi
Ferenc Springer
Sándor Manno
13 years ago - 1:51:14

Joint Activities Plan to promote coordinated

Jerôme Dupont
Péter Stefán
Lutz Schubert
Dr. Krystyna W. Ohnesorge
Wim Jansen
Börje Justrell
Antonella Fresa
13 years ago - 1:42:55

NIIFI cloud and storage solutions for archiving

Péter Stefán 13 years ago - 21:12

Legal aspects of long term preservation

Olav Stokkmo 13 years ago - 18:04

Future legal aspects of long term preservation

Péter Mezei 13 years ago - 14:16

Digital Preservation

Hannes Kulovits 13 years ago - 28:09

The French SPAR project

Jerôme Dupont 13 years ago - 34:50

SIARD (Software Independent Archiving of

Dr. Krystyna W. Ohnesorge 13 years ago - 14:36

Cloud computing basics, and future...

Lutz Schubert 13 years ago - 33:20