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Opening speech

Neelie Kroes 13 éve - 7:39

The Internet of Things: Back to the Future

Lara Srivastava 13 éve - 17:32

How will IoT change the future society?

Heikki Ailisto 13 éve - 12:47

Opening speech II.

Gérald Santucci 13 éve - 18:27

Perspective on Future and Emerging Technologies

Wolfgang Boch
Aleš Fiala
Clive Cookson
13 éve - 16:51

Political closing address I.

Mario Campolargo 13 éve - 12:16

Political closing address II.

Dr. György Mészáros 13 éve - 16:12

Panel discussion on the topic “large vs. small”

Robert Madelin
Jacques Stern
Dr. Kroó Norbert
Paul Verschure
Paul ’t Hoen
Jerzy Langer
Clive Cookson
13 éve - 1:03:53


Clive Cookson 13 éve - 4:04