Linked Heritage Conference
Linked Heritage Conference (12)
Coordination of Standards and Technologies for the enrichment of EuropeanaKonferencia
Round table discussion (1)The Linked Heritage project (6)
Overview of the Digital Content activities in Europe (3)
Welcome and keynotes (2)

Welcome by the Director General of the National

EU policies for digital cultural heritage

Europeana: connecting society through culture

Key note speech from Athena/Linked Heritage/DC-NET

A Nemzeti Erőforrás Minisztérium képviselőjének

A technical overview of the Linked Heritage

Linking cultural heritage information

Multilingualism and multilingual terminologies
Leroi Marie-Véronique 14 éve - 20:23

The Publich Private Partnership in Linked Heritage
Michael Hopwood 14 éve - 20:01

Training and dissemination: a priority for Linked

Round table discussion
Harry Verwayen
Rossella Caffo
Christophe Dessaux
Rónai Iván 14 éve - 1:05:09